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The Monthly Word
Julie's “Monthly Word” posts always contain profound nuggets that I take away to mull over and digest." - Melanie, London

Love & Loss: The Beginning
The time came. My beloved crossed over to the other side 6 Saturdays ago. I am confident he is in the space of love, light, and pure...
Julie Humphreys

What is time, really? Does it exist? Does it have to? We are slaves to time. We try to defy aging, yet we are in a hurry to see the...
Julie Humphreys

Eclipse Energy
Making the most of it 🦚 Well, look at all of us! We survived the Eclipse! I’m still experiencing some dense eclipse energies and major...
Julie Humphreys

Prologue: As I’ve written and edited LAYERS, some “other” majorly transformative events have transpired in my life. I started to go...
Julie Humphreys

The Power in Silence
Wow! I have been easing into all of this 2024 energy very slowly! Typically, this time of year has me feeling very anxious. Sometimes,...
Julie Humphreys

A Gentle Re-Entry
Hi Everybody! I’ve taken another hiatus from blog writing. I “knew” this was coming, and I’ve been (kind of) patiently wading through the...
Julie Humphreys

Hi Friends! It’s been a while. I’ve been over here living life on life’s terms. I’ve missed this forum, and I’ve missed writing. It...
Julie Humphreys

The Alchemy of Spirit
“The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, not the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual...
Julie Humphreys

I love the quiet and dark of the winter solstice. I love the deep contemplation and cozy feeling of having a brand new opportunity to...
Julie Humphreys

To Tell the Truth
Hmmm... Here I am again—the page staring at me. My feelings are all over the place. Hurry up and wait. Hurry up and wait—stomach...
Julie Humphreys

Happy Birthday to Me
So, I had a big birthday. I remember the week leading up to 30, and I felt like I needed to cram a lifetime of achievement in one week. I...
Julie Humphreys

Summertime & Pancakes
August 2022 Recently I had the honor of being a guest on a podcast, chatting with a friend about all things spiritual and gratifying and...
Julie Humphreys

All I Know
All I know is that when tragedy happens, and the world seems like it’s falling apart or that we will tear each other apart with our bare...
Julie Humphreys

Please Don't Leave
I have a hard time responding to things right away. I’ll go quiet, retreat, and keep to myself till I know what I need to say- if...
Julie Humphreys

Staring out the large windows into the frigid January sky, I was remembering when my young son told me that not talking about problems is...
Julie Humphreys

What is sacred to me? What is sacred to you? Two different answers, always, is my guess. I am my own sovereign self, my own sovereign...
Julie Humphreys

Wisdom Walking
Image by Christine Engelhardt from Pixabay All the time, every day there is something. Something to make me cry, to make me feel pain,...
Julie Humphreys

The Gooey Space
Autumn shows us how beautiful it can be to let go I’ve been thinking a lot lately about metamorphosis. About what it feels like to be in...
Julie Humphreys

Dear Cancer
Dear Cancer, You and I have become fast aquatinted. I’ve witnessed you take up residence in my beloved without being invited. You are a...
Julie Humphreys

Water Spirits
Have you ever felt like you’re just going against the grain with everyone you meet? And you think that it’s everyone else’s problem? ...
Julie Humphreys
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